Monday, September 26, 2011

Ryan and Marilyn

 I always have acknowledge excellence! Marilyn's sister, Cindy made her wedding dress. Cindy made the dress she, herself, is wearing in this picture as well. I am extremely impressed! Look at how well these dresses fit! Perfect. Simple lines yet beautiful and chic. Amazing!!! This coming from a girl who feels like a winner for sewing a pillow.


  1. WOW! Cindy is, indeed, amazing! Gorgeous dresses. LOVE the short, sassy, chic wedding dress. And her dress could be sold for MANY dollars. Ready for some Project Runway, Cindy? I would love to root for a hometown favorite! And of course, hats off to the photographer. You are fabulous, Adri!

  2. What a beautiful wedding! I love Marilyn's dress! And Adri, your photography is amazing!!
